Winter 2023
QUERI Evidence-Based Policy Evaluation CentersIn 2022, QUERI launched six Evidence-based Policy (EBP) Evaluation Centers to expand evaluation capacity in response to increased evaluation demand after the passage of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018 (Evidence Act; PL 115-435). Coordinated by the QUERI Partnered Evidence-based Policy Resource Center (PEPReC), this national network of QUERI EBP Evaluation Centers conducts rigorous evaluations in response to the Evidence Act. The EBP Centers also address legislative and VA strategic priorities—and enhance enterprise-wide approaches to evaluation, including the development of VA-wide annual evaluation plans, learning agendas, and capacity assessments required for the Evidence Act. In addition, EBP Centers hold a Veteran-centered commitment to health equity and strive to train diverse investigators and staff in partnered evaluation work. Here are four new EBP Centers that join QUERI’s other two centers, Leading Evaluations to Advance VA’s Response to National Priorities (LEARN) and the Center for Policy Evaluation: