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Quality Enhancement Research Initiative

Healthcare Technology and Innovation

Increasing Veteran access through leveraging innovative healthcare technologies

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in the rapid deployment of virtual care (e.g., telehealth, mobile health) and other innovations to meet the needs of Veterans, especially in rural and underserved areas. In partnership with multi-level stakeholders, QUERI is deploying and evaluating implementation and quality improvement strategies to promote the use of promising technologies and innovations.

eHealth Partnered Evaluation Initiative

eHealth Partnered Evaluation Initiative

Led by Timothy Hogan
Inform how new connected care innovations and existing technologies can support the effective delivery of services to Veterans and reduce barriers to access. Learn more.

Enhancing Veterans’ Access to Care through Video Telehealth Tablets

Enhancing Veterans’ Access to Care through Video Telehealth Tablets

Led by Donna Zulman
Evaluate the effectiveness of tablets in improving access, clinical outcomes, and Veterans' experience. Learn more.

EXpanding expertise Through E-health Network Development (EXTEND) QUERI Program

EXpanding expertise Through E-health Network Development (EXTEND) QUERI Program

Led by Teresa Damush, Dawn Bravata, Alan McGuire, Linda Williams
Enhance Veteran access to care by expanding and optimizing telehealth services. Learn more.

Measurement Science QUERI Program

Measurement Science QUERI Program

Led by Mary Whooley, Beth Cohen, Tonya Kaltenbach, Gabriela Schmajuk
Implement effective practices to define and enhance standardized electronic health system-generated metrics that help improve quality of care. Learn more.

 Spreading Healthcare Access, Activities, Research and Knowledge (SHAARK) QUERI Partnered Evaluation

Spreading Healthcare Access, Activities, Research and Knowledge (SHAARK) QUERI Partnered Evaluation

Led by George Jackson
Increase the impact of initiatives to embed innovation into the core fabric of VA. Learn more.

Resources: Rapid versus traditional qualitative analysis using the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research (CFIR)

Virtual Care QUERI Program

Virtual Care QUERI Program

Led by John Fortney, Carolyn Turvey, Heather Reisinger
Implement and evaluate the use of virtual care technologies to improve access to specialty care for Veterans residing in rural areas. Learn more.